
Have You Heard About Kybella?

Have you ever looked down at your phone and accidentally switch to camera mode just to see your double chin glaring back at you? 
Well, I had. And it made me uncomfortable with my side profile, and sadly made me dislike some photos of myself with family and friends. That’s why when Kybella was first announced and I was one of the first injectors to use Kybella, teach it, and receive a treatment. A non-surgical answer to my double chin which takes less than 15 minutes! 

Kybella is a non-surgical FDA-approved treatment used to permanently dissolve fat from under the chin. 


One of the best things about Kybella is the fact that is made from deoxycholic acid. Why is that one of the best parts? Because we know that our body naturally uses deoxycholic acid to break down and absorb dietary fat.  So, when Kybella is injected into the fullness under the chin, it permantently destroys the fat cells.

So, here is my account of Kybella as not only a Master Injector, but as a patient as well:

Day 1: Treatment day! An evaluation of the fullness under the chin is performed and determined if you are a candidate for Kybella. This takes a trained professional, as there are different areas of fat under the chin & skin quality (and some do not respond to Kybella). After the evaluation, the grid is placed which gives clear and safe parameters for treatment. Ice is used to numb the skin, and Kybella is injected into the submental fullness! There is only a mild discomfort (I only felt maybe 1-3 injections), and the treatment only takes about 5-10 minutes. You will leave with ice packs which you use for the rest of the day if you feel soreness. I personally took some Tylenol to help with some of the discomfort. 

Day 2: This is when the fun selfies that you send only to your close friends begin. You will have some swelling in the area of injection, worst case scenario it may double in size. I sent selfies that may have resembled the Nutty Professor. I went to work the day after the treatment, and although a lot of people did not notice if I didn’t bring it up, I did get the question, “Are you pregnant?” so, I think I was a little swollen. This swelling will continue to go down over the next few days. Few notice a mild level of swelling for the next 1-2 weeks (most likely noticeable to you, but not to those around you). You may also notice a few small bruises at the site of the injections. 

1 Week After: Nothing to note here, you look like you did before treatment, and may feel some numbness and bumps under the chin. This is when your body begins to absorb the destroyed fat cells tightening of the skin. 

6 weeks: Finally, you start to see a difference! You may still have some numbness under the chin, but the fullness under the chin begins to lessen and the jawline becomes more defined! 

A second treatment was necessary for me to see the final reduction of the fullness under my chin-but of note is the second treatment had less discomfort, less swelling, and faster resolution of swelling! 

Kybella is a permanent solution to a better profile, and more than that, confidence.

If you're ready to take the next step, schedule here or call 615-297-4905