Lip Filler

Lip Flip VS Lip Boost

When doing a “lip flip”, Botox or Dysport is injected into the orbicularis oris muscle, which is the round muscle surrounding the lip. A lip flip is a perfect option for lips that tend to “disappear” or “curl under” when smiling or expressing. This allows for more “pink show” of the lip, without actually adding volume. This only changes the appearance when in motion-aka smiling!

A lip boost involves the use of Filler to actually increase the volume of the lip. Your provider will assess your lips and determine what filler, and how much, is right for you. At Indie, our goal is always to enhance your own beautiful natural anatomy!

Can you do both a lip flip and a lip boost at the same time? Absolutely! During your treatment plan discussion, your provider will help guide you to see if this is the right option for you!